20+ Gem ที่นิยม


รวบรวม Gem ที่นิยมใช้ใน Ruby On Rails

  1. simple_form – industry-standard way to create forms
  2. faker – create fake data
  3. friendly_id – create pretty URLs
  4. ransack – search and filter data
  5. public_activity – track all actions in the application
  6. pagy – the best gem for pagination
  7. devise – authentication (users can log in)
  8. rolify – assign users different roles
  9. pundit – authorization (users can perform different actions)
  10. haml-rails – industry-standard markup language
  11. chartkick – beautiful charts
  12. groupdate – group data by periods
  13. exception_notifications – error messages in production
  14. rails-erd – generate an Entity Relationship Diagram
  15. ranked-model – order items in a list
  16. aws-sdk-s3 – store files on AWS S3
  17. active_storage_validations – validate attachments
  18. image_processing – display and manage images
  19. recaptcha – no bots will sign up
  20. wicked_pdf – style and generate PDF documents
  21. wicked – wizard for step-by-step forms
  22. omniauth-google-oauth2 – sign in with google
  23. omniauth-facebook – sign in with facebook
  24. omniauth-github – sign in with github
  25. cocoon – nested forms
  26. stripe – accept payments

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